Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Why every homeowner should try to quit drinking for 2016.

The team at Regal Homes is not just about offering our clients the best when it comes to buying and selling, we are also interested in the every day lives of our homeowners. 
This year, we want to encourage every homeowner to cut back on their drinking, and it might not be exactly what you are thinking…
Cutting back on the amount of water a household uses can help others by reducing energy use and can help us by saving the homeowner money.  Here are some tips how:

  1. Keep an eye on things: water meters are easy to have installed and when you can see exactly, there's an incentive to waste less and save money.
  2. Brush in silence: turning off the tap while you brush your teeth can save 6 liters of water per minute.
  3. Stop singing in the shower: get in, get clean and get out! While showering, you are using anything between 6 and 45 liters per minute.
  4. Toilet cistern displacement: no cute way to put it but these devices can be issued from your water provider and they reduce the volume of water used in each flush.
  5. Load it up: don’t run washing machine or dishwasher unless full, simple enough.
  6. Stop the leak: even a small drip can run through15 liters of water a day (aka 5,500 liters of water a year). That’s a lot of blue, which can cost you a lot of green! 
  7. Don’t waste the rain: install a water catcher to your drainpipe, this collected water from your roof can be used to water your plants, clean your car, wash your windows, etc.
  8. Water granny style: using a watering can means not using a hose that uses 1,000 liters of water an hour; sure it might take a little extra time, but gardening should be relaxing, right?
  9. Plan ahead: when purchasing new appliances, look for the energy and water-efficient labels. Even the small items like showerheads and faucets can be changed and eventually pay for themselves in savings.

Also, we would like to share some of our team’s personal resolutions for 2016 with you!

“Maintain a healthy lifestyle, start a family, save more money,  purchase investment property & be more consistent with my daily devotional reading.”      - Danya Wilson

"I normally don't make resolutions, but rather improve on what I already have been blessed to do. However, this past year I feel I fell of track with progress. So this upcoming year I want to regain my focus of achieving physical health, striving towards financial freedom, and spending as much quality time with loved ones as time and opportunity will allow." - Dequan Grignon

“I really want to cut back on sugar and make a lifestyle change!” - Dena Karlin

"Strengthen my social media presence via Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and other popular forms of social media". - Ingril White

“My goal is to get back to 2009 fine… pretty much pre baby, cut back on sweets and find balance between work and personal.” - Rennai Kelly

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Thursday, December 17, 2015

Consider this one a little pre-holiday gift!

    We know the holiday season can be far from relaxing. Too often covering your home in lights, rearranging your entire living room to display a grand pine tree and setting up inflatables on your lawn is a list of chores more than family fun. 

     As a tribute to those who make time to decorate in between all of the hustle and bustle, we have compiled some of the most interesting… Christmas decorations we have seen!

If you thought that you went all out this year, we hate to break it to you but... she has you beat! Question is... where does the tree go now?

If only lights came with auto-correct... just do like the rest of us and blame Siri!

We really don't know what happened, but it is safe to conclude his wife said something along the lines of "I don't care what it looks like, just get the tree in the house!" 

This is an entire new level of "Bah-Humbug!" 

This picture might ruin Santa's squeaky clean reputation!  

The ultimate "Christmas-Do", for those who wish to spread the joy wherever they go! 

We have to assume this was taken outside of a Miami residence... obviously due to the *cough* palm tree in the picture. 

 When the whole family wants to help decorate the tree! 

Don't let the kids see this last one...we think grandpa was getting revenge.

Merry Christmas from the Team at Regal Homes!